Our Values

Inspired by the legacy of Helen J. Serini, the foundation aims to embrace and embody the following values in our work and partnerships with others:

Leading with Humanity

  • Authentic, human-centered relationships

  • Candid communications

  • Empathetic and active listening

  • Adaptability, flexibility

  • Deep connection to and between grant partners


  • Build a culture that values all voices and the expertise each unique perspective brings to different conversations

  • Recognition of systemic power dynamics at play in funder/grantee relationships

  • Commitment to racial equity

  • Humility

  • Scrappy, get-it-done attitude towards the work

  • Systemic-level visions for change

  • Leveraging role in the ecosystem to bring others along

  • Willingness to take risks and learn from mistakes

Big Thinking

Shared Learning

  • Learning collectively with others

  • Influencing & transforming other funder practices

  • Commitment to ongoing learning and evolution; adaptability

  • Sharing learnings back with the larger community, including failures and shortcomings


  • Between and across funding partners

  • Deepening and supporting collaborations and relationships across grantees and community-based organizations

  • Working together from a stance of humility

Integrity & Accountability

  • Recognition of the history of wealth-building, philanthropy, and systemic drivers of inequity in the United States

  • Holding accountability to our grant partners (and ultimately the clients they serve) at the center of our decision making