2022 Grant Submissions: LOI Deadline Extended

We haven’t had a single conversation lately without hearing some form of, “Wow, there’s a lot happening in the world,” and “we’re so, so busy right now.” Locally, domestically, globally, the world has felt heavy of late, and we know what a toll that can take on those working in this sector, on top of usual workloads and capacity stretching and whatnot.

With all of that in mind, we’re bumping our original March 15th deadline for LOI submissions out to April 15th in hopes of allowing for more breathing room and space for those wishing to apply for 2022 funding. If we can support your application efforts in any way, or if you have questions on the process, eligibility, or anything else, please don’t hesitate to be in touch.

More information about our 2022 grant cycle is available on our website.